Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

Junior and family subscriptions 2021 – how they work

Carlton offers an array of subscriptions to its junior members and their families.  Which one you choose depends on a number of factors, but mostly: how many junior players are there in your family; and how many senior players.  In outline (details below):

  • Choose a base subscription
  • Optionally choose add-ons to your base subscription.

“Junior” means a child playing for a junior team, ie born after 1st September 2004.  Juniors will often play for senior teams too, but they remain juniors while they are still playing for a junior team.

The simple version

For most Carlton juniors, the subscription is quite straightforward.

  • If you have just one junior player at the club, and you don’t want a gate fob, choose an individual subscription.  (Gate fobs are available only to family members.)
  • If you have more than one junior player, choose a family subscription.
  • If no-one else in your family plays cricket at Carlton, that’s all you need to know, you don’t need to read the rest of this article.
  • If you do have other cricketers in the family, read the Add-on subscriptions and Examples sections below to see what subscription suits you best.
  • Don’t worry if you think your situation might change during the season, we can always change your subscription later.

Paying your subscription

We are collecting subscriptions through Pitchero.  To pay your subscription:

If you need any additional explanation, please contact juniormembers@carltoncc.co.uk, and we’ll do our best to explain.

Base subscription types

All members must be covered by a base subscription.  There are two types: individual and family.

Individual subscriptions

These subscriptions are suitable for families with a single junior player, where the parents want to do no more that to come along to Grange Loan to watch their child play, or to take part in a social activity.

  • 9 years & under: £95
  • 10 & 11 years: £105
  • 12-16 years: £115

Family subscriptions

These subscriptions are suitable for families with more than one junior player, or families where one or both parent wants to take a more active part in the club, for example coming to Grange Loan with their children to play cricket on the outfield, or in the nets.  A family subscription on its own does not entitle a parent to play for a senior team, but add-on subscriptions are available for that (below).

  • Family with one junior: £125
  • Family with two or more juniors: £175

Add-on subscriptions

You can choose a number of add-ons to extend a family subscription (you can’t extend an individual subscription, you’ll need to upgrade to a family subscription first).  These are all optional, and can be added later in the season – for example, if a parent unexpectedly starts playing for a senior team, you can add the add-on subscription for that later.

Key fob

Family members can optionally get a key fob, to allow them to access Grange Loan at any time.  This is an annual charge.  Individual members are not eligible for a gate fob.

  • Key fob: £5

There is an additional £5 charge for replacing a lost or broken key fob.

Add-on subscriptions for playing parents

These additional subscriptions are for families where one or more parent also wants to play for a senior team.  They are valid only with a family subscription.

  • Playing mother: £55
  • Occasional playing father: £70
  • Regular playing father: £115

“Occasional” and “Regular” are not tightly defined, but a rule of thumb is that an Occasional player expects to play no more than a third (about 6) of the weekends in the summer.

Add-on subscription for older children

This additional subscription is for families with juniors, and older children who are also playing cricket at Carlton, but are still in full-time education.  They are valid only with a family subscription.

  • Student member (age 16 – 18): £50

See “Families with student members, but no juniors” below if your family includes student members, but no junior members.

Other considerations

There are some cases which are not covered by the standard subscriptions payable through Pitchero.

Credit against 2020 subscriptions

In 2020, we charged significantly reduced subscriptions, as the season was considerably curtailed by COVID-19.  Some parents nonetheless paid the full subscription.  We are offering to credit the excess paid in 2020 against this year’s subscriptions.

If you paid a full subscription in 2020, and you want the excess to be credited against your 2021 subscription, please contact juniorregistration@carltoncc.co.uk, and we’ll calculate your 2021 total subscription, and advise how to pay it.

Dog walkers

Some families also have dog walking subscriptions.  These are not handled here, please contact members@carltoncc.co.uk.

Families with student members, but no juniors

We offer subscriptions for families with student members, but no juniors.  They are not covered here for simplicity – please contact juniorregistration@carltoncc.co.uk if this case applies to you and you want more details.


One junior, family doesn’t want to use Grange Loan

A family with one junior, who don’t want to use Grange Loan other than for scheduled training sessions, matches or social events, should pay the basic subscriptions listed above.

More than one junior

A family with more than one junior should always choose “Family with two or more juniors”, irrespective of whether they expect to make use of Grange Loan outside scheduled training, matches or social events.

If the family want to use Grange Loan outside club events, they should add a key fob.

One junior, plus one student

A family with a junior player and an older child who is a student should choose:

  • Family with one junior
  • Student member (age 16 – 18)

One junior, father plays most weekends

This family should choose

  • Family with one junior
  • Regular playing father

Two juniors, mother plays for the women’s team, father plays occasionally

This family should choose:

  • Family with two or more juniors
  • Playing mother
  • Occasional playing father

One junior, one student, both parents play regularly

This family should choose:

  • Family with one junior
  • Playing mother
  • Regular playing father
  • Student member (age 16 – 18)

(They should also give up any pretence of life outside cricket for the duration of the season.)

Four juniors, father has seen how much fun his children has and wants to join in

This family should choose:

  • Family with two or more juniors
  • Occasional playing father

(We don’t have a discount for an exceptionally patient mother.  Maybe we should.)