All parents are encouraged to contribute in some way to the running of the junior section – we always need help, which can range from coaching and scoring to lifts and hospitality. We ask a parent or guardian of each junior member to contribute 5 hours’ assistance over the season.
All the current committee members started volunteering when their children started playing cricket – and we have all enjoyed it very much.
Volunteer Roles
Many of the roles that need done don’t require any detailed knowledge of cricket. But we do provide training in coaching, scoring and umpiring for those who are interested. Details of courses will be on the club website.
As well as completing the “Volunteering Section” in the junior membership form, to volunteer you can contact any member of the junior committee at any time.
Here is a sample of roles, and the name of the contact to get in touch with to offer help.
- Primary training: selling cake (and tea & coffee). Wednesday evening primary training sessions are legendary for their cake stall. Up to 200 hungry junior cricketers need feeding, after all. Contact [Primary session manager].
- Kwik Cricket coach: our Sunday morning Kwik Cricketers need someone to run their games. If we’re honest, only a little cricket knowledge is required, but the role is described lightheartedly in Martin’s Guide to Kwik Cricket, and we’ll provide training. Contact Joe Griffin.
- Junior hardball umpires and scorers: our junior teams can’t function without umpires and scorers. Both are easier than they look, we can provide training for both, plus Cricket Scotland run excellent umpiring courses. Very little prior knowledge is required for scoring; even arithmetic is not required any more with the use of tablet apps. Contact Charles Stronach.
- BBQ Central: Carlton juniors’ barbecues are almost as legendary as primary training sessions. If you’re interested in helping to organise these events, contact Caroline McKay.
- Playing! For any parents who wish to play cricket themselves, Carlton provides opportunity for players of all levels. In particular, the Carlton 5th team is keen to attract parents for occasional games and the Women’s team is always open to new players. Contact [who?]
Social Events and Fundraising
There are a series of social events for parents, players and friends throughout the season organised by the junior social committee, including BBQs on Friday evenings and events during the summer.
We invite parents to join us in the pavilion at Grange Loan for coffee/tea during the Primary School practice sessions. This is a great opportunity to meet and chat with other parents and also to meet the Junior Social Committee. Donations of cakes and biscuits for sale are always very welcome and these events raise vital funds for the junior section.
Parents of junior members are welcome at the various social events run by the senior part of the club. These range from the popular quiz nights run by the famed blogger (and Carlton 4th XI captain) Fantasy Bob, to wine tastings and Burns Suppers. These events are advertised on the website.
Fund raising
Easyfundraising is an easy way for the club to raise funds from your online purchases of goods and services from well-known websites – at no cost to you. There are over 2000 affiliated websites. Please register on the website and remember to click through when shopping online.
The Carlton Lottery aims to provide much needed funds for the operation of the club and in particular to ensure that our extensive junior program is fully funded. Please consider signing up.
Carlton also runs its own Fantasy League, which is a great way for juniors and parents to get more involved in the Senior Section of the club and to follow the fortunes of the 6 senior teams and players throughout the season. Look out for information on the Carlton website.