AGM Results

In a well attended virtual meeting, outgoing President Andy Macpherson reflected on the challenges of the 2020 season and thanked the many volunteers that allow the club to function as well as it does. Fraser Watts in his Director of Cricket report highlighted the tremendous efforts of the club to play 150 matches in the two months that games were permitted. He also mentioned the demand from new & returning players had led to the Senior section closing to new members. Youth Director Siobhan Fontenla gave an overview of the very healthy Junior section with just under 200 players. Highlights included 12 boys and 6 girls being involved with the Eastern Knight this season and 2 at national level.
Honorary Life President Hugh Parker then proposed club stalwarts Ann McConnell; Brian Forrester & Martin Robertson for Life Memberships which was unanimously approved by the meeting.
Hugh then paid tribute to Andy Macpherson who was standing down as President after 7 years in the post.
Treasurer Brad McKay gave his 12th and final report on the club’s finances in a year significantly affected by the pandemic. Brad was able to report on a robust performance despite the many challenges of COVID, leaving the club in a strong financial position.
The Management Committee and Directors were then proposed, seconded and duly elected with Kerry Simpson taking over as President; Richard Allardice filling the Vice President position vacated by Kerry; David Mowat stepping into the large shoes Brad has left as Treasurer and Alan Murray, Euan Murray, Fraser Watts & Siobhan Fontenla all continuing in post for another year.
The next edition of the Lockdown Newsletter, going to pixel on the 17th May, will have more in depth profiles of the new appointments.